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Personal   Information :

          Marital  status          : Married

          Nationality                : T.C.

          Age                            : 54

          Birtplace                   : ADANA

Education :

         TECHNICAL   INDUSTRY   COLLEGE , (Electrical  Dept. ) ADANA   1968 -1971


          -Have  a  good  experienced  and  backround     on  instrumentation  &  control  systems.

          -Have  good  extremly  large  interes  and  knowledge  about ;

           H&B , Endress & Hauser  and  Siemens  maessuring  and  control  system ;

           Level   measurement   as  a  Tanks , fluids  and  bulks

         -Gasanalysis  CO - CO2 - O2 - SO2  Measuring   system.

         -Pressure , differantial  pressure , flow  measuring

         -PI , PID  Control , Temparature , vibration  sensors  etc…

         -Measuring  instruments , repair & maintenance

         -Construction  supervision , commisioning

         -Have  a  detailed   infermation  about  AC – DC   Motor  drives  and  other related  

           subjects  about  my  duty. Operation  and  maintenance  support.

         -Have  knowledge  PLC  operation  messages , change  of  values  and  close  loop 



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 2004 – 2005       , Petrol Platfom TEKFEN A.S – Bakü   With -Amec  ATA Project Azerbaycan

                                as  A  Instrumentation  Foreman    

 2002 – 2003           5-September-2002 to  2-February-2003 NCR- Nord Rafinary CO.                   

                                Plant-Irak   as a  PLC - Specialist                  

1989 – April.2002    Adana  Cement  Ind. – Electronics & Instrumentation  Foreman

                                I had  retired  in  16 – April – 2002  from  there .

1989 -                     April to Nowember : Tabbin  Cement  Co. Cairo / Egypt -From KHD       

                               Company./ Germany

1980 – 1988            Gassim   Cement  Co.  Saudi-Arabia /ST-FA &  KHD Constracted ,

                                 Germany Company  as Electronics & Inst. Foreman

1978 – 1980            Aslan  Cement   Co.  İstanbul  as  a  Electronics & Inst. Tech.

1976 – 1978            Main  Post  Office ( PTT ) İstanbul  as a  Electronic  Technician

1974 – 1976            Have  completed  Military  Obligation  im  Ankara

1972 – 1974            E.S.A   Electro-Schalt-Anlagen  Gmbh.  Frankfurt / Germany


Courses  and  seminars


            SIEMENS  AG – Erlangen – GERMANY                    July  1 , 1996- July  26,1996

                           Courses   subjects

                          -AUTOMATİON  WİTH  PROSES  CONTROL  SYSTEM :

                          -SIMATIC  S5 ( Prgrammable  Logic  Controller )

                                                                          -Aplication of the  Standart  CEMAT V4.0

                                                                          -Open  loop  control  of  drives

                                                                          -Technologial   interlocking

                                                                          -Visualisation  of  status

                                                                          -Alarm , operation  messages , change of             value

                                                                          -Entering and prcessing of  measuring  values

                                                                          and  close  loop  control.


Computer   knowledge :

                  OS/2 , NT , Autocad , Windows  applications ( Excel , Word , Outlook ,

                  Powerpoint , etc…)

Language  skills :

                 English          Very  good               

                 German          Good

                Arabıc             Understandble

Extracurricular    activities :

                 Sports , travelling , computer , reading , cinema .

                                                                                                                 NAZIM  YILDIZ     



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